On this page we offer current brochures for Flat roof Program and Sanitary Program and some more useful documents. You can view the PDF files directly in the browser or with a suitable program such as Acrobat Reader (free of charge from Adobe).
You can download PDFs of the individual series (catalog pages) with all information via the links for the products, as well as their technical documentation (German only).
Downloads Flat roof program

Trade fair novelties
We presented some new products at DACH+HOLZ.
3D inside corner 90° made of PUR
90° internal corners in the area of the parapet or on the building wall on a flat roof or terrace can be produced easily and without problems using the Grumbach 3D internal corner 90° made of PUR.

Attic corner balcony drain
combines the unique possibilities of a drain in the parapet with the option of routing the drainage pipe to the right or left to the downpipe, close to the edge of the building – for a visually clear line of the external drainage.

Attika corner meso gully made of PUR
Drainage in the corner through the parapet or within the parapet in the inner corner of the building downwards. As with the Attika corner balcony drain, but with increased drainage capacity.
Another Grumbach innovation!
Trade Fair Dach+Holz 2024 – New Products

Flat roof program
Europe’s largest roof gutter program on 92 pages.

Flat roof price list
up-to-date and clearly arranged

Grumbach area sales representatives
for roofing and roofers

Titanium zinc water collection boxes for attica drains

KOMBI drain
One hole only for venting and drainage. Now improved, with new design.

Attika Jumbo drain
NEW! Now with a longer neck.

with/without partial flow diversion
with/without wedge

Attika-Meso-Drain with Wedge

Retention Attachment
for reduced drainage capacity

Trigger Lock and Protective Cap
new accessoires

Cold roof vent
new, improved version 2022

Reach-through Device
improved version 2022

Alpha drain
formerly known as Eco drain
Drainage capacities
of all Grumbach drains
acc. to DIN EN 1253-2
Rainfall statistics Germany
in acc. with DIN 1986-100:2016-12
Calculation of the number of drains required
Form Calculation of the number of drains required
Simply fill it in and send it to Grumbach.
Sanitary Program Downloads

Sanitary program
The entire sanitary program on almost 90 pages, with prices.

Sanitary blocks
Extract from the entire program

Shower floor Systems
Extract from the entire program

Order form for special models of shower floor elements
Forms for order/enquiry of shower floor elements

Flyer pre-wall installation elements
PUR elements for a modern bathroom design, usable with all Grumbach pre-wall installations in heights of 83/100/110 cm

Prefabricated showers
Extract from the entire program

Pre-fabricated bathrooms
Extract from the entire program

E-continuous water heater
new accessoir for Grumbach pre-fabricated showers

Grumbach area sales representatives
for roofing and roofers